Kee-Pyo Kim, Ph.D.
Department of Medical Life Sciences
College of Medicine
The Catholic University of Korea
e-mail: kpkim@catholic.ac.kr
- Professional Experience
2021.03 - present, Assistant Professor, The Catholic University of Korea
2011.10 - present, Research Scientist, Max Planck Institute for Molecular Biomedicine
- Research Experience
2011.10 - present , Max Planck Institute for Molecular Biomedicine
2010.10 - 2011.10, Baylor College of Medicine
2009.08 - 2010.10, University of California, Los Angeles
2004.01 - 2004.05, New England BioLabs Inc.
2002.07 - 2004.09, Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology
- Education
2005.01 - 2009.07, Ph.D. in University of Nottingham
2001.08 - 2003.08, M.S. in Konkuk University
1995.03 - 2001.08, B.S. in Konkuk University
- Award & Scholarship
Travel award for 2015 ISSCR annual meeting by German Stem Cell Network (2015.6)
Postdoctoral Fellowship by Max Planck Society (2011.11 – 2014.11)
IDC-tuition fee free scholarship for Ph.D. study (Inter Disciplinary) by University of Nottingham (2005.1 – 2008.1)
Study overseas scholarship by Korea Science and Engineering Foundation (2005.1 – 2007.1)
Exemplary and superiority scholarship by Konkuk University (2000.3)
- Teaching
2021- present, 가톡릭대학과 의과대학 일반생물학 1학기, 2학기
의과대학 실학의학 1학기
간호대학 생물학 1학기
대학원 1학기, 2학기
2011-2019, Stem Cell Course, M.S. students, University of Münster.